6 Benefits of Cloud-Based IT Services in West Palm Beach

Most providers of IT services in West Palm Beach offer cloud-based services, so you’d think people already know what cloud computing is. Surprisingly, many still don’t. Cloud computing started out as a buzzword within the tech industry and ended up having various definitions assigned to it.

Sources of Common Cyber Threats and the Role of IT Support in West Palm Beach

There are some important factors that you must consider if you are planning on partnering with an IT support firm in West Palm Beach. One of the crucial aspects is the level of security provided against cyber threats. In general, modern businesses depend heavily on information technology for data processing, storage, and transaction handling.

“App Maker” is the newest service from Google

Businesses use apps every day to help them complete business tasks. Unfortunately, developing those apps is challenging if business owners don’t have a great deal of programming and coding experience on staff. Google has announced their solution to this problem: App Maker. This is a simple and easy solution to the problem of developing an […]

IT Support Clients in West Palm Beach Are Afraid That the Grass May Not Be Greener on the Other Side

Just because you come across an IT support team in West Palm Beach, doesn't mean it's up to par with tech support industry standards. Many businesses, unfortunately, sign up for inferior services then stick with them, thinking it's better not to keep changing providers.

Is Apple’s ‘Pie’ platform a game changer?

Apple is making a change to its cloud services that intends to cut down on bugs and better compete with its rivals, Amazon and Google. By combining all its cloud teams into one location, Apple will undoubtedly help to facilitate major improvements. According to sources, Apple is in the process of transferring the infrastructure behind […]