6 Benefits of Cloud-Based IT Services in West Palm Beach

6 Benefits of Cloud-Based IT Services in West Palm Beach


Most providers of IT services in West Palm Beach offer cloud-based services, so you’d think people already know what cloud computing is. Surprisingly, many still don’t. Cloud computing started out as a buzzword within the tech industry and ended up having various definitions assigned to it.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing refers to using applications and storing data over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive. A popular example is Google Docs. You can use it to create documents, presentations, and spreadsheets on a mobile device as long as you’re online. Laptop battery gave out? Whip out your smartphone and make a quick slideshow for your meeting. Flash drive ran out of space? Save all your files to the cloud.

How Innovative is Cloud Computing?

The cloud is simply the Internet. However, its impact is far and wide because it changed the way outsourced services are offered. Just like what Google does with Google Docs, third-party providers make their services available over the internet. Companies need only to pay for a subscription to get access to said services.

Why is Cloud Computing Beneficial?

Because companies pay a fee in exchange for services, they don’t have to invest in equipment and hire staff. For that reason alone, cloud computing already wins a point. But there are other reasons it’s beneficial for companies:

  1. Scalability
    Cloud-based services are scalable. They can scale up and down according to need without affecting their performance. You don’t have to worry whether or not the system can handle a sudden and unexpected growth, which is especially good news for startups.
  2. Agility
    Because of its scalability, cloud computing can help make your company agiler. When you’re not burdened by expensive systems, you’re more adaptive and responsive to changing demands. In the face of stiff competition, reacting correctly isn’t enough--- it has to be swiftly as well.
  3. Availability
    Most IT services in West Palm Beach--- and elsewhere, for that matter--- are offered via the cloud, so you can expect their availability to sit around 99% or higher.  Unexpected downtime rarely happens, while scheduled downtime occurs with ample notice beforehand.
  4. Flexibility
    Service providers have different subscription models, so you can choose one that suits your company. Some providers offer yearly subscriptions, while others offer yearly. Some quote a fixed price for a fixed set of services, while others ask you to pay for only what you use.
  5. Manageability
    Installation, deployment, and maintenance are handled by service providers, so you can just wait for the services to be delivered to you. In the meantime, you can focus on more important matters, like your core business objectives.
  6. MobilityBecause services can be received over the Internet, your staff can work anywhere, anytime. This means your company can implement practical work-life balance arrangements. With work-life balance, employees are more satisfied and productive.

If you haven’t transitioned to cloud-based services yet, you’re missing out on these benefits your company deserves to enjoy. So don’t wait long--- reach out to us at Nexxen Technologies. As a reputable provider of IT services in West Palm Beach, we have a track record of 98% customer retention rate. Our clients love us, and so will you. Contact us today!