How to Secure Your Employees’ Mobile Devices with IT Services in Boca Raton

How to Secure Your Employees’ Mobile Devices with IT Services in Boca Raton


With proper IT services in Boca Raton, you can implement measures to secure your employees’ mobile devices. Personal and financial data is becoming progressively valuable on the black market. The ever-increasing access to smart mobile devices and work applications adds on to the vulnerability. There has been a significant increase in mobile attacks. As much as access to work apps eases productivity, accessibility, and attendance to tasks, you should implement measures to ensure your employees' mobile devices are secure. Here’s how:

Trustworthy Application Sources

A horde of third-party applications, made to mimic official business applications, exist. Most have malware embedded systems. Establish an official list of accepted business applications for business. Better still, purchase the software for your team.

Invest in Data Protection Measures

Varying business applications have security loopholes that offer an easy way for mobile malware and other threats. Invest in software and antivirus programs for security. A good number are free, but the subscription options provide better security features.

Standard security features include antivirus support, and SMS, MMs, and call log monitoring for suspicious activities. A blacklist log and checkup should keep you safe and secure.

Access Management and Mobile Device Security Policy

If your business handles sensitive data, ensure you establish a device usage policy. A company white paper would suffice. Include rules and regulations on what constitutes acceptable mobile device use, risk mitigation, alongside penalties for flaunting provisions.

Data Backup

Invest in secure data backup services, especially cloud options. This enables you to sync and backup data regularly. Mobile devices get lost or damaged frequently. A secondary repository ensures you still have access to your business data.

Device Lock and Password

Though it seems convenient to keep your mobile devices open all the time for easy access to your apps, camera and other features, it does expose you to hackers. Partner with IT services experts in Boca Raton to educate your employees on security measures such as strong passwords. In the U.S. alone, an email address is associated with about 130 accounts. Awareness will save your business. Some of the steps can be:

  • Institute scheduled password change for your employees
  • Implement layered authentication measures
  • Ensure the business applications and software are updated and up-to-date
  • Establish and communicate standard password requirements

Optimize Software and Device Features

Typical operating systems such as android and iOS integrate essential security features. Educate your employees on features such as:

  • Activation lock
  • Data encryption
  • Third-party software data protection
  • Virtual personal network (VPN)

The decision to establish security measures for employees’ mobile devices can be a tricky affair. However, the cost of business data leaks can be very expensive or damaging to your business.

In some cases, your business can afford to offer sorted out mobile devices to the employees. If not possible, you might have to implement security policies, alongside extensive employee education and awareness. At Nexxen Technologies, our IT services team in Boca Raton will help you sort things out. Contact us today to learn more about mobile security and other IT solutions.