IT Services in West Palm Beach: Is Your Enterprise IT at Risk?

IT Services in West Palm Beach: Is Your Enterprise IT at Risk?

Businesses of all sizes have to be vigilant when it comes to IT security. Large companies, however, have unique challenges that smaller companies don't, according to experts on IT services West Palm Beach businesses trust with their technology. Is your enterprise IT at risk?

Let's look at three risks that larger companies need to watch for:

1. A Growing Number of Access Points

Every person working within a company represents a potential point of access for a hacker. For a one-person operation, there's only one point. When you have one hundred employees, you have one hundred access points. The more points of access, the more vulnerable your company is to a security breach.

Pat opens a small car garage. His business is a one-man operation and he is the only one with credentials to the computer system. He knows his passwords and security. His business is not a major target for hackers.

A few years later, Pat's operation is much larger. He has well over a hundred employees and a dozen locations. His business is now hundreds of times more vulnerable.

2. A Visible Target

Larger companies are more visible than smaller ones. This makes them a visible target to hackers. The bigger the target, the more likely a hacker is going to attack it.

Pat's one-man operation was obscure with no one but the locals knowing about it. However, as his operation began to grow, he started advertising. His name and operation became well-known. Hackers started paying attention when he came out of obscurity.

3. A Rich Collection of Information

The amount of data a company collects and manages grows at the business grows. Larger enterprises are a repository of personal and financial information for customers, employees, and vendors. Such a rich collection of information makes larger companies attractive for hackers, according to the experts on IT services West Palm Beach businesses rely on for their data security.

Pat's data collection was quite small in the beginning. However, when he started gaining a solid reputation, more customers started to have him work on their cars. Within a few years, he had a collection of personal and financial information on his thousands of customers, hundreds of employees, and dozens of vendors. Hackers see his rich data collection as a tantalizing target.


These risks show why a larger enterprise needs to keep security at the top of the IT priority list. To learn more or to get help with your company's IT security, contact us at Nexxen Technologies, Inc. We are the experts on IT services West Palm Beach companies know they can trust with their data security.