IT Support in West Palm Beach: Understanding IAM, MFA, and BYOD

IT Support in West Palm Beach: Understanding IAM, MFA, and BYOD


A small to medium-sized business (SMB) or enterprise can deeply benefit from partnering with an IT support provider in West Palm Beach providing IAM options. IAM stands for "Identity Access Management". Many businesses today profit from BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, which allows employees to use their own computers to complete varying tasks remotely, and even be more productive.

Workspace and hardware costs can be cut this way, increasing operational capital. But accessing your network remotely could open your network up to compromise without IAM. MFA stands for "Multi-Factor Authentication", which is a means by which more than one device can be used to establish the identity of an employee seeking network access.

Establishing IAM Protocols

MFA is an IAM protocol. Even smaller businesses stand to benefit from setting up an IAM profile, but there are some best practices to consider here. The basic process looks like this:

  • Audit operations to determine security risks
  • Consider solutions like MFA
  • Damage control, security updates

Audit Operations to Determine Security Risks

IT support providers in West Palm Beach can help you conduct an operational audit to determine areas of operations that aren't as secure as they should be. From there, you can determine which actions will make the most sense in terms of securing remote access.

Sometimes you've got existing security options that don't need much change outside periodic updates, but this is the exception rather than the norm. Most businesses tend to have remote vulnerabilities that need to be carefully managed.

Consider Solutions Like MFA

Once you know what you need, MFA may be a worthwhile security solution. Additionally, it could be overkill. For the most part, though, this is going to be a very cost-effective way of establishing basic access security for your operational surface area.

Damage Control, Security Updates

Once you have audited your operations for remote security threats and put solutions into play, your next step is establishing damage control parameters for when things don't go as planned and regular times of update. MSPs can update for you automatically, helping you to get ahead of the most recent security threats.

New threats regularly develop; managing operations internally will open you up to sub-par security options. Management from without will generally help you keep ahead of these threats more effectively than doing so internally can owing to budget. MSPs have greater access to varying trends because of their core operational needs.

Establishing Effective IAM Protocols

An IT support provider in West Palm Beach like Nexxen Technologies can help you facilitate damage control, update security, institute MFA solutions as appropriate, and conduct audits which reveal where operations are primarily secure, and where there are vulnerabilities. Contact us now for more information on IAM security.