IT support in Fort Lauderdale can be a key feature of securing your business in terms of sustainability and profitability over the long-term. This is especially considerable in light of recent trends concerning cybercrime. To understand the true impact this pernicious threat can have on your business, you need to know a few things about why such a thing exists in the first place. In a word: humanity.
A Twofold Issue
There's always two sides to any coin. Since humanity is imperfect, in terms of technology, there are "white hat" developers and "black hat" developers. The black hats facilitate cybercriminal enterprise, and they do so in a way that is dependent on white-hat development. Though cybercriminals don't have access to top-of-the-line tech, as soon as some new development arises, you can bet black-hat startup companies jump on it, reverse-engineer it and come up viruses designed to get them either information, money, or both.
Cybercrime will cost the world approximately $6 trillion a year by 2021. Just to give you an idea of how big that number is, the global "white hat" IT industry is, as of 2019, only worth $5 trillion. For more perspective, consider how big a trillion is. A million is one thousand multiplied one thousand times. A billion is a million multiplied a thousand times. A trillion is a billion multiplied a thousand times. Accordingly, cybercrime has a thousand billions ahead of white-hat technology. That's pretty substantial.
What This Means to You
What does this mean to you as an SMB? You're going to be impacted, and you need to safeguard your operation against such threats. You can partner with IT support experts in Fort Lauderdale as they can monitor and support your network around the clock. Additionally, you can secure the latest antivirus software, the latest firewalls, and the best internal practices to help you avoid being incidentally compromised.
As new technology develops, new threats do. Since technological expansion happens on an exponential curve which reflects Moore's Law, you've got a limited window of security before the next wave of threats hit. If you're not prepared, what you could lose includes the following:
- Important client data
- Reputability in terms of security
- Actual assets from company accounts
- Substantial time spent troubleshooting
- Your very business
Safeguarding Your Business
Working with an IT support provider in Fort Lauderdale like Nexxen Technologies, Inc. can help you safeguard your data comprehensively using the latest available techniques. Cybercrime, like basic good and evil, will always act as a counterpoint to white-hat technology. But you don't need to be impacted by it if you prepare in advance. Contact us now for more information.