Prevent Data Loss with IT Services in Boca Raton

Prevent Data Loss with IT Services in Boca Raton

IT services providers in Boca Raton have witnessed many cases of data loss in many businesses. Even with utmost cybersecurity, data loss may occur probably due to human error or other associated causes. Anybody using a computer can suffer data loss, and this is more especially those that use word processing software.

It is quite frustrating to lose files, which you probably spent so much time creating. It is for this reasons that you must prevent data loss whether it is due to a cyberattack or human error. The following are causes of data loss and way to solve the problem:

  • Poor Passwords - You may lose your data because a hacker was able to guess your password right. Use a strong password, which is unpredictable and not easy to crack. Educate your employees on how to set a good password. Avoid passwords that contain obvious information like your year of birth. To top it all, ensure that you change the password regularly.
  • Phishing Attacks - A phishing attack occurs when attackers use such things as emails to trick users into giving out confidential data. Educate your employees on the various phishing techniques so that they are aware. Do not click or download files from an email address that is not legit. In addition, do not be quick in giving any confidential information until you are sure whom you are giving it to and what for.
  • Configuration and Patch Discipline Gaps - Sometimes data loss may occur due to poor configuration and patch discipline. The best way to avoid such errors is through proper documentation of items, automation of processes and remediating. Once this is done, you should review the procedure and if possible repeat it to ensure you did it right.
  • Arbitrary Trusts between Systems - Let all your system be independent of one another. This way even if an attacker gains access to one, it does not give a leeway to the rest of the systems.
  • Avoid Interconnecting End-User Systems - Your data could be safer if you segment your internal network. User systems do not need to be interconnected unless it is the instant messaging and IP communication protocols.

Apart from the above, there are other challenges that businesses must deal with, of course, with the help of IT services providers in Boca Raton. They include the following:

  • Malware Egress Areas - Once you detect malware, find it, and remove it. Then repair your systems to minimizes chances of another malware attack.
  • Inefficient Data Policies - To ensure that your data is protected you must institute effective data policies and ensure that you enforce them. In the meantime, inspect your network and eliminate all the weak points.
  • Data Leakage - If you notice that data is channeling towards the wrong destination, terminate the leak immediately.
  • Sensitive Data - You must guard any critical data that hackers might be interested in. let it be in a different system from other data.
  • Email Gaffes - Never transmit or save any confidential data on your email. Educate your employees on the dangers of doing so.

You can take precaution for keeping your data secure by working with an IT services provider in Boca Raton like Nexxen Technologies, Inc. Contact us today and let us help keep your data safe.