Why You Need IT Service in Boca Raton That’s Focused on Security

Why You Need IT Service in Boca Raton That’s Focused on Security


Choosing a managed service provider can be quite the ordeal. Different providers offer a wide range of service levels and features, some of which are almost too good to be true. But while many computer service companies in Boca Raton have the ability to give you IT support, not all of them have the means to provide you with excellent security to back those services up.

How Much Security Do You Need?

This is one of those cases where bigger is almost always better. As an SMB, you may think that you are at low risk for attacks because you probably aren't holding as much valuable data as a Fortune 500 company. However, cybercriminals are more opportunistic than anything, and they know that most SMBs don't take the time and effort to put in a complete security system. They will happily exploit your weaknesses over and over even for just a little bit of data if they know they can get it without a fight.

How to Know if Your MSP Is Secure Enough

There are several elements to a complete security solution. You should be looking for all of these indicators to determine whether your MSP is doing enough to keep your company and your data safe or not:

First, you should ask your potential computer service provider in Boca Raton about the kind of security training they offer their staff and how they stay on top of new viruses and attacks. Ideally, your MSP will be able to outline what they are doing to keep their team informed and up to date. Technology changes quickly, so if they indicate that they don't do any ongoing training for their staff, it's a bad sign.

Next, ask about their strategy when a threat or breach has been discovered. How will they contact you? What is their investigative process? What fail-safes are in place to lock your data down and prevent any further exploitation? How will the data be restored? How long does this whole process take? All of these are valid questions that deserve answers. Even the most confident MSP who has never had a major breach should be able to give you a clear plan of action if something did go wrong.

Finally, ask about what technologies they are using and what they hope to add in the future. This is another question that will let you gauge whether or not the company is proactive in their security strategy. Everybody knows about firewalls and antivirus software, but there are tons of security tools currently on the market, and more technologies being created every day. Your MSP should be able to give you their thoughts on these technologies, why they're important, and what value they provide to you.

Choose Your MSP Wisely

With this information in hand, you should have everything you need to choose a qualified MSP that will put the security of your data at the top of their priorities. Make sure to interview multiple companies so you can compare answers and see which one has given you the most accurate representation of the security landscape for your company.

At Nexxen Tech, we can help you with your IT needs. As a leading computer service provider in Boca Raton, we know how important security is to all businesses and we make sure that it’s at the top of our list. Contact us to learn more about how we can safeguard your business from digital harm.