IT Support Business Advice for Fort Lauderdale: Get out of the Weeds and Climb the Highest Tree to Have the View of a Leader!

IT Support Business Advice for Fort Lauderdale: Get out of the Weeds and Climb the Highest Tree to Have the View of a Leader!


The Difference between Leadership and Management

When it comes to IT support in Fort Lauderdale, you want to have solutions which allow you to lead rather than pulling you down into the endless revolutions of management. What's the difference? Well, to summarize, leaders have vision, managers help facilitate it.

Looking deeper, it's important to understand that as corporations attain different sizes, certain roles morph into different realms than they originally occupied. For example, if you're running a small business, you start from nothing you're your own leader and manager. As you obtain additional employees, you keep the same position, but you must divide your focus. Where before, you knew where you were going and you were directing your own feet to get there, now it's like you're the little person on top of the substantial barbarian's shoulders in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. As a leader of a business with one or two employees, you're Master, they're Blaster, and together, you're Master Blaster. But as things expand, you're getting further quicker. You're covering more ground. You can't feel the impact of each forward productive step like you could before. You've got to think ahead. If you're looking down at your feet to manage them, you may misstep because you don't see a depression in the ground ahead. The further and the faster your business moves, the higher your vantage point has to be in order to ensure your business doesn't make a misstep, roll an ankle of profitability, and come crashing down.

Rising Above

You don't want to be handling squabbles between employees. You don't need to be pulling the strings of sales, or maintaining relationships with vendors. You need to be looking ahead, and piloting the ship of your business. You need a crew to run it once it gets large enough. IT support in Fort Lauderdale should make it so you don't have to think about these things, they should take place in a sort of organic, natural way. You want to be able to make one choice and keep moving forward.

There's a book called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This book makes an analogy--- it says that moving your company forward is like fighting through a jungle toward a given goal. Managers are on the ground with others hacking their way forward. But the leader skips ahead, climbs the highest tree, and from that vantage point scouts the proper direction.


The better tools you have at your disposal, the easier it is to forge a path for your team and attain your goals. You've got to plan an attack, though. Part of that means knowing what you need, how to go about attaining it and pushing forward.

So it's not just that management and leadership differ, it's that they have different requirements. To lead properly, you're going to need:

  • Vision
  • Good managers beneath you
  • The tools to succeed
  • The wisdom to plan ahead

IT support in Fort Lauderdale through Nexxen Technologies, Inc. is designed to provide you the necessary IT infrastructure so that you're able to properly attain your goals through a perspective that's unclouded by management difficulties. We offer top-tier technology solutions featuring the latest innovations and developments. Contact us for business solutions that will curtail expenses and free you up to lead.